Your current age. This is used as the starting point for calculations.
The age at which you plan to retire. This determines your investment horizon.
Your current total investment portfolio value, including all retirement accounts and investments.
How much you plan to save and invest each month.
The total amount you want to have when you retire. Consider your desired lifestyle and expenses.
Expected annual investment return rate. Historically, the S&P 500 has returned about 7% after inflation.
Expected annual inflation rate. Historically, inflation has averaged around 2-3% annually.
The percentage of your portfolio you plan to withdraw annually in retirement. 4% is a common starting point.
Balanced approach with moderate risk and returns. Suitable for most investors.

Coast FIRE Calculator: Plan Your Path to Financial Independence

Use our free online Coast FIRE calculator to evaluate your path to financial independence. The calculator gives you a comprehensive analysis and thoughtful projections, enabling you to see how much you must save and invest to achieve your FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) objectives. Monitor your progress, make changes, and take charge of your financial future with ease.

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